The Sauer Family of Camden

This photo is a family photo of my GG Grandfather John William (Wilhelm) Sauer taken about 1910.  John came to America in 1868 at the age of 18 with his two brothers, Louis (Ludwig) and Philip (Johann Philipp).  Their parents sent them to America to avoid military service at home in Germany.  In addition to their parents, Wilhelm and Elisabetha (nee Creter), they left behind two sisters, Anna and Agathe.  To my knowledge, only Louis ever made it back to Germany to visit.

After landing in New York, Louis ultimately stayed in that city.  John and Philip continued south.  John made his way down to Richmond, Virginia and there met and married Caroline Hetzer, a daughter of German immigrants.  I don’t know whether Philip made the trip to Virginia, but he ultimately ended up in Philadelphia in the late 1800’s.  John also moved back to Philadelphia and stayed for a time working as a factory manager but eventually moved the family to Camden, New Jersey, where they remained.

I have yet to find any trace of Philip beyond a reference to him being a waiter in Philadelphia in 1883.  But unless he had any descendants, the Sauer surname from this particular branch, like many surnames, was only around for a brief period.  With the passing of Richard Henry Sauer in October, 2010 there are no more male descendants from this line.

To see who’s who in the photo, please navigate to the “Genealogy Photos” under the “Media” tab and search for Sauer.  There is also a photo taken at the same time of the Sauer’s with their respective spouses.

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About the Blog

This website was established to assist in the research the Sawn family name as well as the many surnames associated with it. It was set up to assist in the research of these families and contains related documents and photos collected over the year. The blog represents the stories and histories uncovered about our ancestors during this research.

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